Sunday, March 17, 2019

WinRAR 5.70 Final Repack Free Download

Simply. Most. Popular. Archiver. In the world. Everyone knows him, everyone used it. Online reviews are often found, they say, who needs a paid WinRAR, when there is a free 7-zip? Convenience guys. 7-zip is certainly good, but WinRAR is a classic. He was and, I am sure, will be No. 1 archiver for a long time. This is a vivid example of how good software should be. Naturally, WinRAR supports unpacking of all modern archive formats, but it can pack only in zip and its own rar format. It has a simple and clear interface that can be changed using hundreds of different themes. I will not go into the technical details - they can be found in the official certificate.

What's New in this Version ?

Version 5.70

   1. The "Files for processing" parameter on the "Time" tab in the archiving window 
      allows you to select files based on the modification time, creation and 
      last access. Previously this was only possible for the time of 

   2. The keys -ta, -tb, -tn, -to on the command line can be supplemented with the 
      modifiers 'm', 'c' and 'a' after the key name. Thus, 
      temporal conditions can include not only the change time, as it 
      was in previous versions, but also the creation time and the last 
      access time. 

      Such a key can be supplemented with any number of modifiers to set 
      the same date for all specified times. For example,
      -tamc20190215, files modified and created after 
      February 15, 2019 will be processed 

      The new 'o' modifier allows you to switch from AND (AND) to 
      OR (OR) logic , so if you specify the –tamco20190215 switch, then 
      files modified or created after February 15, 
      2019 will be included in the processing It is also allowed to specify 
      several time-filtering keys with different dates on the same command line , for example: 
      -taco20190201 -tbmo20190210 

      The -ta and -tn keys also include files with exactly the 
      specified date in processing The -tb and -to switches exclude such files. 

   3. In the list of WinRAR files, creation times and
      last access, if available. 

      Creation and last access columns are disabled by default. 
      They can be enabled in the "Select columns for file list" window. To 
      open it, right-click on the column headings of the list 
      or click the "Columns ..." button on the "File List" tab in the 
      "Files" group in the WinRAR settings. 

   4. The "Double Archive Extensions" and "Archives in subfolders" 
      options on the "Files" tab in the archive window change the behavior of the 
      "Place each file into a separate archive" parameter 

      Parameter "Double Archive Extensions"

      Depending on the state of the "Archives in subfolders" parameter, 
      you can create a separate archive for each file in the selected 
      subfolders, or save the entire contents of each selected folder in a 
      separate archive. 

   5. The -ad1 key allows recursively unpacking a series of archives, 
      for example, 'rar x -r -ad1 arc \ *. Rar'. For files extracted from each 
      archive, a separate folder is created, but unlike the -ad switch, this switch 
      creates such folders for each folder in the archive. 

   6. If the context menu "Unpack each selected archive into a separate 
      folder" is applied to archives from different folders in the search results
      Windows Explorer, subfolders with unzipped files are created 
      for each archive folder. Previous versions created them all in the folder 
      with the archive that was clicked with the right mouse button. 

   7. New parameter "File list / List style / Checkboxes" in the WinRAR settings 
      allows you to select items in the file list using checkboxes. 

   8. New parameter "File List / Files / Exact Dimensions" in WinRAR settings. 

      If enabled, file sizes are always displayed in bytes. 
      If turned off, dimensions are rounded to KB or MB. The sizes of 
      small files are still displayed in bytes. 

   9. If running multiple copies of console RAR with the -ioff key, the computer
      will be turned off when the last copy of RAR is finished. Previously, 
      this key was processed at the first copy completed. 

  10. For .iso files, the size of the read and write buffer has been increased. In some 
      cases, for example on network drives, this can speed up the 
      extraction from iso-files. 

  11. If the "Delete archive" option in the extraction window is applied to the 
      RAR and REV volume set in the volume_name.part # format, the REV volumes will also be deleted. 
      Previously, only RAR volumes were deleted, and REV files remained on disk. 

  12. If the "Delete archive" option in the extraction window is applied to a set of 
      ZIP volumes with the extensions .zip.001, .zip.002, .zip.003, then they will be deleted
      all volumes are zip. Previously, for such a naming scheme, only 
      the .zip.001 volume was deleted. 

  13. If the arcname.rar archive is unpacked using the 
      "Extract to arcname \" command in the Explorer context menu and the 
      file "arcname" already exists , the WinRAR shell extension will suggest 
      "Extract to arcname ~ 1 \" instead Previously, this context menu command tried to 
      create a folder with the same name as the existing file, and caused an 

  14. If a shortcut file with the .lnk extension from the 
      Explorer context menu is packed, the lnk file itself is added to the archive. Previous versions 
      added the target pointed to by the lnk file, and not the file itself.

  15. Executable files in Windows can not be more than 4 GB, so WinRAR 
      immediately gives an error when trying to create SFX RAR volumes of 
      4 GB or more. Previously, such an error was issued only after the creation of the 
      first RAR volume. 

  16. For multivolume archives 7z, an indicator of the overall 
      extraction progress is displayed Improved accuracy of the overall extraction progress indicator. 

  17. Drop-down list "Disks and folders" in the command "Search for files" renamed 
      to "Search scope". In addition to the existing choices, 
      it contains a new item "Selected items", restricting the search to 
      files and folders selected in the list of WinRAR files.

  18. The "Find Files" command displays the number of items found in the 
      status bar 

  19. In the diagnostic messages window, archive names are displayed in a separate 
      column in order to improve the visibility of messages for archives with long 

  20. The -isnd [-] key in the WinRAR command line mode allows overriding the 
      value of the "Enable audible signals" parameter in the WinRAR settings. 
      To enable sound alerts, use the -isnd key, and to 
      disable - -isnd- key. 

  21. Nadav Grossman of Check Point Software Technologies told us 
      about a security threat to the UNACEV2.DLL library.
      This vulnerability allows you to create files in arbitrary folders inside 
      or outside the target folder when unpacking ACE archives. 

      WinRAR used this third-party library to decompress 
      ACE archives. UNACEV2.DLL library has not been updated since 2005, and we 
      do not have access to its source code. For this reason, we decided not 
      to support the ACE archive format in order not to put 
      WinRAR users at risk 

      Thanks to Check Point Software Technologies for reporting 
      this issue. 

  22. Bugs fixed: 

      a) in the console RAR, the sizes and times of the source were interchanged
         and the target files in the rewrite request when updating the file in the 
         RAR-archive with the -o key; 

      b) dragging files from 32-bit applications into the 
         64-bit WinRAR window did not work 

      c) the Shift + Del command applied to the folder in WinRAR could not delete 
         some of the folders nested in it. This command is used to 
         permanently delete files and folders, rather than moving them 
         to the Trash. 

      d) the folder tree panel could not change folders if the paths in the archive 
         began with a path separator, as, for example, in archives created by the 
         tar utility with the option --absolute-names; 

      e) if relative "Path =. \ somefolder" is specified in SFX comments,
         and the SFX archive for unpacking requires privilege escalation, it 
         creates 'somefolder \ somefolder' instead of 'somefolder'; 

      f) commands that modify the existing RAR4 volume reset the volume number field 
         to 1. This did not affect decompression, but for such volumes WinRAR showed an 
         incorrect volume number; 

      g) a crash when reading a comment from a corrupted RAR file has been fixed; 

      g) the toolbar of the search command results window was incorrectly 
         adjusted to the icons of a different size.

General information:

Type: x86 / x64 installation; unpacking portable by PortableAppZ 
Languages: russian, english, ukrainian 
Activation: CORE 

Extras: The

settings are picked up from the WinRAR5PREFS folder: 

1. Settings WinRAR - Settings.reg file 
   You can get it by running the program and using 
   the Options> Export settings to a file; 
2. WinRAR themes 
   Unpack into the WinRAR5PREFS \ Themes folder. 
   The structure will be as follows: 
   WinRAR5PREFS \ Themes \ Theme name \ bmp files, ico and others. 
3. Design styles and localization - RarLng.dll file 
   For experienced users who change the interface with the resource editor 
4. License file - RarReg.key
   Generated by keygen or bought officially in your name or organization 

Command line parameters:

Silent installation of the Russian version: / S / IRU 
Silent installation of the English version: / S / IEN 
Silent installation of the Ukrainian version: / S / IUA 
Unpacking the Russian portable version: / S / PRU 
Unpacking the English portable version: / S / PEN 
Unpacking the Ukrainian portable version: / S / PUA 
Selecting the installation location: / D = PATH 

The parameter / D = PATH should be specified most recently 
For example: WinRAR.v5.50.exe / S / IR / D = C: \ MyProgram

Download Link : Zippyshare  Mirror
Archive Password :

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